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Aiden's Unconventional Family

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The story stops at the adoption Agency. A 16 year old Orphan named Aiden is adopted by a widowed mother of three girls who are all older than Aiden. To Aiden’s dismay, this family wasn’t in the market for teenage boys, but really wanted a new baby! Aiden is now stuck as the Wilson’s new baby boy, with his own nursery, highchair, and stroller. He is expected to dress, eat and sleep like a baby. The only problem is with three girls that are older than him. All the baby clothes and baby supplies are baby GIRL items. As he is humiliated and coddled, Will Aiden escape? Only time will tell. Aiden-16 year old boy who is short for his age. He wants a new family and hates how he’s stuck being treated like an infant. Easily embarrassed and very frustrated at his sisters and mother. Sarah- Aiden’s new mother. A Widowed Business woman with three daughters all older than Aiden. Loving but firm.Her daughters call her mom but she makes Aiden refer to her as “mommy” Sophie-20 years old, busy with school, loves Aiden and her sisters but treats Aiden like a baby and does not tolerate any nonsense from him, usually pops a pacifier in his mouth so he’ll be quiet Jamie-18 years old. She loves dressing Aiden up, and much to Aiden’s demise, she thinks baby girl clothes are cuter than baby boys. She takes childcare at the highschool, and Aiden is the perfect practice for her. Lilly- 16 years old, the youngest sister, pretends to be a perfect angel around others, but enjoys being in charge and having power over Aiden. loves embarrassing him and the baby talking to him.

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