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Nova of the Null Mage

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make a dark detailed long story with dialogues and different characters with personality and detailed battles with strategies. Content: it's about a 14 year old and inexperienced superhero named Dan Vaughan who have the super scientific powers due to a Super-virus called X-minus that spread through the world 30 years ago. Dan superpowers and abilities are Super incredible physical abilities he can lift ship heavier than a battleship and energy manipulation, he absorb any energy, stored it and used it back as a barrier or projectiles. One day while on a patrol with a senior superhero night Spectre. They were attacked by a villain with monstrous and pulsing spikes called splinter. The battle was bloody and gruesome, leaving Dan to sacrifice himself to defeat the villain. As he took his last breath he was summoned to another world by a high elven priestess in a sanctuary with lock door due to being cornered by the evil minions of a dark wizard. Dan was full heal without injuries, in desperation the high priestess beg Dan to save her and her disciples from the dark minions without the knowledge of Dan superpowers. The high priestess and her closest disciple test Dan magic power and realised he has 0 magic power which panic ensuite. After the battle with the dark minions a large group of full fledged armour knights with gold from head to toe came and saw the aftermath of battle the captain a young female knight approached the high priestess and her disciples who survived and she quickly drew her sword at Dan with suspicious.

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