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Bound by Shadows

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A sequel story that takes place several months after Bound by Justice. Taking place in the city of Featherdale, Detective Hawke the bipedal private detective hawk heard that Viper the masterful kidnapper is back again. To prevent Viper's new kidnapping spree, he deduce where Viper is and met up with the kidnapper. In exchange of leaving anyone alone, he once again offered himself to be his prisoner. Viper reluctantly accepted it since the last time did not end so well despite imprisoning Hawke for over 7 months. Once the deal is sealed, he was bound, gagged, and a bag placed over his head. They arrived in a cottage far away from the city and Viper subjected him into exhausting exercises. Once done, Viper tells Hawke that he is going after Lily's family and there is nothing he can do about it. Sadly, Hawke suspected this, but was too busy and compliant with the exercises. He felt helpess, tired, and regretful. However, just when Viper is about to leave to kidnap Lily's family, the dragonfly he saved during his 7th month of his first captivity defeated Viper and freed Hawke. Despite being tired, Hawke managed to tie and gag Viper from the very same restraints and gag that he was restrained. The story ends Hawke tying himself and the dragonfly together as a bonding moment. He confessed he likes being tied up and told him not to tell anyone his secret which the dragonfly accepted. The dragonfly must be non verbal.

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