Why Block Game is My Favorite
Block game is the best game ever and I tell you why. First, you can build anything. Like, you can make a big house or a castle. I made a castle with a lava moat and no one can get in unless I say so. It's like being a king in your own world.
And you can play with friends. My friend Timmy and me, we build a whole town with a farm and we have cows and chickens. We pretend to sell milk and eggs. It's fun because we make up stories like we are farmers or sometimes we are adventurers looking for treasure.
There are also these monsters that come out at night. They are scary but I like to fight them. It's like being a hero. You have to be smart and fast or they get you. I learned to make armor and swords and it's like I'm a knight.
The best thing is you can play it on rainy days when you can't go outside. Mom says it's okay to play block game because it's like learning. I think so too because I learn about how to make things and how to count better when I am building.
Sometimes I just like to dig and find stuff. There's like gold and diamonds and it's so cool when you find them. It's like a surprise every time. And you can make stuff with them like a crown or a really strong pickaxe.
I think block game is the best because you can do so many things and it never gets boring. Every time I play, I find something new to do or make. It's like having all the toys in the world in one game. That's why I love block game so much.