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"The Instincts of Monk"

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Stottlemeyer shook his head, a smile playing on his lips as he glanced briefly at Randy, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before refocusing on Monk. "Shadse as a kingpin? A nationwide manhunt, scouring every airport?" Stottlemeyer chuckled softly, then resumed, "Monk, this guy's just a run-of-the-mill criminal. We can't jump to conclusions. We don't even know if he's still in town. He hasn't blown up the Golden Gate Bridge or taken a shot at the president. Searching every airport and launching a nationwide manhunt would be a Herculean task. Instead, we need to zero in on where he might have fled. And Monk, let m⁶ e tell you, I've dealt with guys like Shadse before. They often turn themselves in once the heat's on. He's a small fish who probably worked for that lawyer. If he hears about a shootout, he'll likely surrender out of fear for his own safety. And as for this mess," Stottlemeyer gestured toward the bodyguard sprawled on the floor not far from Shmedic, "I reckon there was a scuffle between the two. One of them pulled the trigger, and as for the car incident? Perhaps Shadse panicked, threw the vehicle into reverse, and accidentally rammed into the barrier where the lawyer was standing. I bet he'll be in our custody within two days, possibly turning himself in tomorrow." Stottlemeyer turned to Randy, who nodded in agreement. "Yes, Captain, I concur." Sharona shook her head, her brow furrowing in concern. "Leland, Randy, Adrian usually has a keen sense for these things. Haven't you forgotten all the cases he's cracked where we were stumped? Perhaps it's time to heed his instincts." Stottlemeyer raised a hand as his phone began to ring. Retrieving it from his pocket, he answered the call briskly. "Alright... I see... We'll be right there... Get the injured party to the neares hospital, but detain the person who contacted you... We need to gather any information they have." Stottlemeyer sighed heavily after ending the call, his frustration evident. "Monk, I thin you might be onto something. They've found a man staggering along the freeway, bloodied and in a gray suit. He flagged down another vehicle." Sharona's expression brightened. "That must be Shadse, right?" Monk shook his head solemnly. "No, he's Shadse's victim. Identity theft. We need to move swiftly. Shadse can't be too far from where they discovered the other man. If he's still in the vicinity, he wouldn't have been able to escape in his car." Stottlemeyer nodded decisively, turning to Randy. "Let's move. We need to assess the situation. Monk, Sharona, follow closely behind us. Disregard traffic signals. We'll lead with sirens blaring, should get there in about ten minutes if we hustle."

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