Circus of Shadows
Setting: Live on-air broadcast at a circus location with funfair grounds all around. The environment is lively, with the smell of popcorn mixed with the raw scent of animals, giving a visceral atmosphere.
THAYRONE: (grinning, eyes scanning the crowd) "Aight, let's start this circus of a show. First up—UK riots halted by police, communities, but the country remains on alert. Ain't nothing like a good ol' riot to remind folks the system's still kicking, huh? Cops laying it down thick, trying to keep peace or whatever they call it."
VEXIA: (sneering, adjusting her hat) "Oh, please! If it ain't the pigs rounding up the sheep. Communities playing savior while the real power just sits back and watches the chaos. It's a goddamn circus, ironic we're here."
SUZY: (angry, clenched fists) "The UK's always on some next-level shit. They stop the riots but the tensions are like a fuse ready to blow. Reminds me of a kettle, almost ready to scream."
Interlude: Roaring of lions and the shrill call of an eagle echo through the air, signaling the end of the discussion.
CALLER 1: (through a crackling line) "Ya'll talking like you don't know the script. This right here, it's a stage, and everyone's playing their damn part like puppets. Wake up!"
THAYRONE: "Alright, next—Ukrainian official dismisses notion of new peace summit as start of Russia talks. Another day, another pile of BS diplomacy. Ukraine doesn’t want none of Russia’s snake oil."
VEXIA: (mocking, overly dramatic hand gestures) "Peace summit? Ha! That's like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound. Ukraine knows better than to dance with the devil twice."
SUZY: (sarcastic, rolling eyes) "Yeah, let’s just shake hands and forget the damn missiles flying. Peace talks my ass, it’s all smoke and mirrors."
Interlude: The ominous howl of wolves blends with the chatter of monkeys, amplifying the tension.
CALLER 1: (gruffer tone) "You think those suits give a damn? Peace summit or war room, just different places to play their twisted games. Puppets, all of 'em."
THAYRONE: (scratching his chin) "Next up—IRS study shows a post-pandemic exodus of wealthy residents from D.C. Who would've thought the rich get tired of their own ivory towers, huh?"
VEXIA: (laughing loudly, almost maniacally) "Oh, the poor rich folks! Running from their gilded cages. Guess the reality of D.C. doesn’t match their champagne dreams."
SUZY: (angry, fiery eyes) "Good riddance. Let 'em flee. Maybe D.C. can clean up its act without those parasites draining it dry."
Interlude: A cacophony of bird calls and the distant, haunting cry of a peacock underscore the shift in conversation.
MAMMY: (gruff, unapologetic) "Let's get real here. These rich rats jumping ship ain’t new. They flee when the going gets tough, leaving the rest to pick up the pieces. Seen it in every goddamn crisis."
THAYRONE: "Number four, Trump offers three debates with Harris, says he will beat 'barely competent' substitute for Biden. Trump’s got his game face on, ready to tango."
VEXIA: (smirking, twirling her hair) "Three debates? He's got a death wish, doesn’t he? Harris might not be a blazing star, but she’s got the claws for a nasty fight."
SUZY: (animated, slapping her knee) "Barely competent? Really, Trump? Look who's talking. It's like watching two drunks brawl in the street."
Interlude: The trumpeting of elephants and the bellow of a walrus fill the air, intensifying the scene.
CALLER 1: (growling) "Trump offering debates is like setting up a cockfight. Pure spectacle, no substance. Politics turned into a goddamn freak show!"
THAYRONE: (shaking his head) "Story number five—small businesses to thrive under Trump. And pigs might fly while they’re at it."
VEXIA: (faux innocent, batting eyelashes) "Oh, really? The same small businesses he choked with red tape, now suddenly they’ll thrive? Fairy tales, my dear."
SUZY: (heavy sarcasm, air quotes) "Yeah, 'thrive' as in survive the beatings and keep begging for scraps. Trump’s just selling snake oil again."
Interlude: The heavy footsteps of a running herd and the aggressive chirping of crickets signal the discussions' close.
CALLER 1: (venomously) "Small business thriving? That's rich. More like scraping the bottom of the barrel while the fat cats get fatter."
THAYRONE: "Last but not least, Tim Walz oversaw the worst pandemic fraud in the nation; 50 million stolen from programs to feed kids. Talk about robbing the cradle."
VEXIA: (sarcastic, slow clap) "Bravo, Walz. Stealing from kids now, are we? That’s a new low even for politicians. Sick bastards."
SUZY: (infuriated, pounding the table) "Kids, for Christ’s sake! That’s some next-level evil. And they wonder why we don’t trust the system."
Interlude: The growl of a bear and the screech of an owl meld into a symphony of indignation.
MAMMY: (grim, firm) "Walz ain’t the first crook and won’t be the last. The system’s rotten, and it’s kids who pay the price. Dark times, my friends, dark times."